Friday, October 3, 2014

A Long Day's Journey

I just posted a new album of mine over on Bandcamp, the release of which coincides with my birthday. You would make ol' Mondo's day brighter if, when you download it, you also make a contribution.



  1. Happy Birthday bro! Blissful wishes to you my friend :)
    Great new album, just listened to a couple snippets...dig it!
    I'm gonna have to be going back thru all your sweet albums now...
    ...treasures waiting in ear park...(and recently got my paypal back online ...heh just gotta get some $$$ in it...heh heh)
    Thank you so much for all the good music brother
    like a wise old friend once said
    You Set The Scene
    time to storm the reality studio and retake the universe
    as the pattern gets more intricate and subtle
    being swept along is no longer enough


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